Monday, June 14, 2010

Bullet Points & To Do Lists: A Love Story

I love lists and I love details. If there's a blank piece of paper and a pencil laying around, it's soon covered with a list of some sort- groceries, goals, to do, baby names, the list goes on and on (get it? Yeah, yeah, I know). My friend Brittany even got me an awesome To Do List paperset with it's own clipboard for my birthday

(personal photo)

Because of my obsession, er, fascination, I thought this wedding planning stuff was gonna be a breeze.

But did I mention that in relation to details, I also have an inherent ability to overcomplicate the simplest of ideas/decisions/situations? Justin lovingly calls in "micro-managing" but it's really me just being a pain in my own ass. Either way, it's a trait that I've known is both a blessing and a curse, and situations like this wedding only reaffirm the knowledge.

For example, I already have an "End of Wedding Day Task List" that includes things like "Take kegs and taps back to store", which is important- 10 months from now. And while some will say that it's a good thing to have a head start, writing it down to remember is one thing, already trying to figure out who'll perform the task based on other items included on that particular list when it probably won't even be discussed until a few weeks prior to the event is just plain unnecessary. Sigh. Yep, that's me, the little over thinking detail monster. But I'm working on it.

Overall, my love for planning has been super helpful, despite my need to overthink things. It's helped with our budget, timing of tasks and finding vendors that we really look forward to working with. And it saves the boy from having to do much else than just give an opinion on a list of final contestants (so to speak), which suits him just fine.

Cheater :)

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