Friday, June 25, 2010

A Whole Lotta Shakin' Going On

I apologize for my seeming absence the past week or so. There's a lot going on in this life of mine (why is it that as soon as the warm weather hits, so does everything else?). Between social dates, weekend mini vacations, a family medical emergency out of nowhere and trying to fit in fixing supper, there's not been a whole lot leftover (time and mental ability) in the end for some good old fashioned writing.

Something that I've been getting excited about again though despite everything else is the gym. Justin and I made the conscious decision last November that we were tired of being fluffy and sedentary, so we started eating better and in December joined the Y next door to where I work. It'd been over a year since we'd taken Krav Maga classes (if there are any offered in your area, take them! Greatest exercise you'll ever do and some awesome self defense training to boot) and we were both feeling the repercussions.

Here we are almost seven months later, and although I was out during the month of May in order to study for part of my CPA exam, I was able to maintain the ground I'd gained since the end of the year.

I get a little bored with the gym sometimes, partly because I don't know enough about lifting and exercising to switch routines up myself and partly because I feel like I'm not seeing the results I want (more than likely a side effect of reason number one for boredom). I've been getting more motivated as of late to get back into things at least three times a week though for several reasons. One, we've got a boat trip with Justin's friends coming up in July and it is bathing suit season. Two, I'm a bridesmaid in my friend Flo's wedding over Labor Day weekend and I want to be rockin' an awesome physique for her. And three, well, I'm getting married next year and would love to be rockin' an awesome physique for me, Justin, my dress and my trip to an exotic beach on the honeymoon :)

Really though I just like the thought of being active in life, and seeing the results of that hard work. Slim down the areas that are known problems thanks to genetics (and to just being a woman), become stronger in my upper body, help myself bounce back after having children in the future, and hopefully aid in keeping myself healthy over the course of time.

I've recently added water aerobics (it's not just for old ladies!) and the 100 pushup challenge to my normal cardio and light weight lifting routines in hopes to give my body something different to handle. Gotta keep things on edge, never knowing where the next muscle soreness is gonna be, lol. Plus it helps keep things fresh and keeps me motivated in showing up when I'm supposed to (except for when Justin is just being super lazy and it rubs off on me).

Anyone else have a specific workout routine(s) they're trying to help get into shape for the big day or just life in general?

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