Saturday, September 25, 2010

Choosing my Girls

I think that every girl has a list of bridesmaids in her head from early on in life. As you grow, as life changes, new friends are introduced and old friends are lost to time, distance and just simply growing apart. So it's only natural for that list to change throughout the years, no matter how sad it may be in the end.

I knew from the first verbalized murmurings of Justin and I wanting to be married someday that my decision relating to my girls was serious business. On one of the biggest stepping stone days of my life, I wanted those closest to me there to help hold my hand and steady me along the way.

In some respects, it was a tough decision. There were some people I'd always imagined by my side that no longer played a part in my every day life. And then there were those that although our times together were far between what they used to be, I still cared for them and our friendship greatly.

After months (literally) of back and forths, what if's and "but I's", I finally made my decisions and put together a pretty rockin' group of girls. Each one represents a part of me, of my life that I treasure and genuinely brings happiness to my soul. And since each of them is so extraordinary, I'm going to give them all their own little post :) But not before I tell how I asked them to take part in mine and Justin's special day.

I had grand visions of ways to ask my potential bridesmaids if they'd like to sign on when it came time. Make cute cards, write poems, bring them all together for supper together and ask them at once. As per usual, my grand ideas and my actual putting one foot in front of the other to make it happen didn't quite meet in the middle and I managed to eek out a couple cutesy slideshows to ask 2 of the girls. Another got asked over the phone (simply because her work schedule was crazy and I wasn't going to be seeing her in person in the near future) and the fourth happened while at work (she's my supervisor of sorts). After being on the receiving end of an awesome bridesmaid package by my Matron of Honor earlier in the year, I felt slightly inadequate, but I promised myself I would make up for it with fun later on :)

Stay tuned for the introductions of some of the prettiest girls in the world...

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